Verified. Authentic Item Integrity

Trading card, collectible, memorabilia and art markets are full of fakes, scammers and fraudsters.  Sprunger Originals is making an effort to reduce buyer financial losses and dissatisfaction by supplying the market with verified items using Web3 technology.

Collectors and sellers who ask us to create or mint NFTs or Web3 COAs for their items or listing items in Sprunger Marketplace are subject to the following screening:

  • Photo ID verification through a third party.
  • Procedures to ensure that the item is in possession of the person making the request.
  • Item serial number verification with the issuer’s database where applicable.
  • Billing address verification.
  • IP fraud detection.
  • Payment fraud detection.
  • Additional procedures for higher value items.

Seller are subject to local, provincial/state or federal laws for withholding or shipping a stolen, forged, altered, tampered or substituted item.

As a buyer of high value items, you will feel confident knowing that the seller and item have been verified.

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